Ironweed Labrador Retrievers
Is proud to be the home Of the AKC NUMBER ONE FEMALE PRODUCER OF HUNT TEST DOGS.(all Years) SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH CGC WC WCX.
Progeny of SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH CGC WC WCX
MHR HRCH Ironweed Hidden Treasure QAA MH, CDX aka Jasper. Jasper is a Fly x Copper Puppy. He has a HRC seasoned title. Jasper has passed the AKC Master National, and qualified at the 2013 NAHRA invitational. Jasper has passes his novice obedience title with score of 1981/2 second place, and 194 a third place, and Finished his CD in April 2013. Finishes his CDX in 2015 Congratulation Jasper and Michele. Jasper has joined another elete club as he has run a hunt test and got all 10 a perfect score. Owned by Paul and Michele Rappl.
Ironweed Paxton On The Fly Ultimate Air, Master Diver, Elite Diver. United Master Jumper, aka Paxton. Paxton is a Fly X Copper puppy. Paxton partisipated in the Dock Diving World Championship in 2012 as a 3 year old. Owned by Alisa Grace Jaroszynski. Paxton is still dock diving at 10 years old and still will first place ribbons.
SR Ironweed Copper Money On The Fly MH CGC TDI CD NA NAJ, aka Penny, Penny is a Fly x Copper puppy. Owned by Nancy Eisaman. Penny excells at her work, in the Field, Obedience, and agility. She has finished her Novice agility titles. Penny is one of a kind, like her mama Fly, Life is all about FUN and how much of it you can get into one day.
SHr Ironweed Lulu Pearl aka Lulu sired by Sonny out of Fly. Run sparcly on the hunt test circut. Lulu did what many Ironweed dogs have had the pleasure of doing for there owners. She was mostly a family hunting dog on Cane Mills, John Tompson's Plantation in Georgia. Serving the whole family well and enjoying every minute of it.
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Our Foundation, In the beginning
WR Ironweed Indigo Gromet MH WC WCX CGC Gromet was bred by Mary Howley born on July 9, 1997. Her sire is FC AFC Cedar Valley Hi-Bird Turk MH x AFC Candlewood Tru-Grit. She is our foundation here at Ironweed Labs. She is 16 and is still retrieving.
Gromet had puppies sire by FC AFC Abe's Ebony and Ivory, and FC 2XNAFC Candlewood Ramblin Man.
Deceased March 25. 2014 16 years 8 months
Progeny of WR Ironweed Indigo Gromet MH CGC WC WCX
SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH WC WCX aka Fly, sire FC AFC Abe's Ebony and Ivory x Gromet. Fly's wonderful personality and her outstanding preformnce, is only out done by her legacy as a producer. Fly is the NUMBER ONE FEMALE PRODUCER (All Years) of Hunt Test dogs.
I would like to extent a thank you, and great appreciation to all who own and have campained there Fly puppies for her to have this great honor.
Fly has produced 12 AKC Master Hunter titled dogs to date. With a total of 19 master titles inclucing 4 NAHRA and 3 UKC. Obedience dogs, Agility dogs, and Dock Diving dogs of great merit.
Fly has had puppies sired By Sunbeam lV MH aka Sunny, FC 2XNAFC Candlewood Ramblin Man aka Ram. and FC AFC CAFC Money Talks aka Copper. they are noted through out the web site. .
Deceased April 3,2017 15 years 9 months
FC AFC Ironweed Hi-Bird Shooter*** MH 3MNH, aka Shooter. Shooter is a Gromet x Ram puppy. Master Hunter at 18 Months. Three time Master National qualifier. Started running field trials at 6 years of age Qualified for the 2011 national amatuer and 2013 open national and Amatuer National. Shooter is 11 1/2 years old and still running Field Trials.
Owned by Paul and Karen Brown. Deceased December 2015