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WR Ironweed Indigo Gromet MH CGC WC WCX

Gromet,  WR Ironweed Indigo Gromet  MH CGC WC WCX, sired by FC AFC Cedar Valley Hi-Bird Turk MH out of AFC Candleweed Tru Grit.  Gromet (on a tip from Andy Attar) was my first Labrador retriever, purchased from Mary Howley in 1997. I had never owned or trained a retriever before.  But I saw one doing a field work demonstration at a water fowl festival and knew I had to have a dog that could do that.  When Gromet arrived we knew she was a cute, smart puppy,  I had no idea what knowledge, drive and hunting instinct was rolled in that little bundle of fluff.  For Gromets first 8 months of training she retrieved a 6 inch canvas dummy at about 20 feet.  That is all I knew and she loved it.  In march when she was 8 month we attended our first fun trial.  For the first time in her life some one threw a real bird for her way out there in the field.  The response came from deep inside her.  She ran as fast as she could out there and brought that bird back to me.  then we did it all over again.  At that point we attached our selves to those people with a little knowledge and the real birds.  and the rest is history.

Gromet passed her first NAHRA started test in august and finished her title with four straight passed in two weekends.  Then on to AKC hunt test another 4 for 4 experience for junior hunter.  Now to move on we had to learn how to do blinds.  we trained at home and she always found the blinds. She didn't have to sit on a whistle. Again she was smarter than me.  She was a great trailer and knew how to use her nose.  She fiqured it out.  I Didn't.  We made it through AKC Senior with one failure a brake on the honor.  Master became a flustration as we failed 3 test. and a blessing as Lynn Double recognized Gromets Talent and my lack on knowledge and offered to help us.  We trained with Lynn for the summer once a week learned all we didn't know.  In the fall Gromet got her Master Hunter in 5 straight passes.  I know that she never handled on a mark,  because I didn't know how to do that.

Gromet passed her NAHRA Working Retriever title in 4 streight test.  Upland and trailing were a second nature to her. Lack of knowledge on my part, again I didn't know how to train her these things She just did it.   Gromet was born on July 9 1997.  She just turned 16 She is still rules her world.

When I decided that I would breed Labrador Retrievers.  I wanted to share the experience that I had with Gromet.  I wanted to breed a dog that was a natural retriever.  A dog with great sense, easy to train, a true companion.  I have carefully selected dogs that help me to reach that goal.  Dogs that excell in the field, are memorable hunting companions, easy to train, true pardners in any endever, and just good company at the end of the day.

SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH CGC WC WCX

Fly SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH CGC WC WCX Sired by NFC AFC Abe's Ebony and Ivory, out of WR Ironweed Indigo Gromet  MH CGC WC WCX.  Born On the 4 th of July 2001, She has been a celebration since.  Yes she too was a Pleasure to train and to run at the hunt test.  Most memorably she has produced 14 Master Hunters to date.  There are more who have Master passes and are closing in on there title.  Many of her offspring are Master National qualifying, and Master national hall of fame dogs.  Again many more closing in on the quest.  But to those who have had the pleasure of meeting Fly she is a clown.  People will speak more of her personality and antic,  now 14 she still is a constant tail wager, and has never met any one or any thing she doesen't consider entertainment.  Except for ground hogs which she promptly kills.  Just one of her quirks.  Fly is a cancer surviver.  She had breast cancer when she was 8, her breast was removed and she was spay. So her tail wagging and zest for life she is a constant inspiration.      Deceased  April 3 2017


WR Ironweed Ramblin Ruby Redhot MH WC WCX

Ruby WR Ironweed Ramblin Ruby Redhot MH WC WCX  sired by FC 2NAFC Candlewoods Ramblin Man out of WR Ironweed Indigo Gromet MH CGC WC WCX.  A true preformer who just loved her work.  Junior hunter at 9 Months, 4 straight passes, Senior hunter at 13 months, two week ends 4 passes. Passed her first master test at 18 months and qualified 5 straight for her Master Hunter before she was 2.  NAHRA record Started Retriever 4 for 4.  Intermediate Record 4 for 4. One Pass at the Senior Level.  Ruby Ran two HRC Finished test and passed both of them.  Ruby was a true competitor and the greatest joy to train and run. Every one should have some one who admires them as Ruby admired me.  she never took her eyes off of me.   Ruby was killed when she was 7.

MHR Ironweed Diamond In The Rough MH CGC WC WCX TDI AX AXJ

Jewel, MHR Ironweed Diamond In The Rough MH CGC WC WCX TDI AX AXJ sired by FC 2NAFC Candlewoods Ramblin Man out of SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH CGC WC WCX.

Jewel is a do over of her mama Fly.  Easy to train, a preformer that people notice. and the desire that makes it all fun.  Jewel is a Modern woman who does it all.  Her agility runs have been flawless except for one fault and she has been in the ribbons in every class she has run. She finished Her NA NAJ agility titles in three trials. She had one first place and two second place runs. She has completed her standard open ajility title with one first and two second place ribbons, now finished Her Excellent title with a placement every time. 

Jewel is a thearpy dog and has a very gentle sense about the people we visit.  With children and the elderly she delights and is delighted. 

 Also like Her Mother Fly, Jewel is a great mother.  She produces puppys that have her good sense and passes to them her calm quiet nature through her nuturing.

SR Ironweed Copper Money On The Fly MH CD CGC TDI NA NAJ

Penny, SR Ironweed Copper Money On The Fly MH CGC TDI CD NA NAJ sired by FC AFC CAFC Money Talks II out of  SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH CGC WC WCX.  Penny is a small dog, who run with more speed and enthuasium than seem possible.  She runs her blinds as fast as her marks and is a most memoriable character.  Like to spend as much time as possible in any ones lap and give lots of Kisses.  Penny has been training in obedience and has passed three test and has her Companion dog title. 

Ironweed Eye Of the Storm MH QAA2 WC WCX

Stormin passed first Master Test, At BRC 6/17/13

  passed second Master test at       7/28/13

  passed third  Master test at PIR    8/10/13

  passed fourth Master test FLRC     8/31/13

  passed fifth Master test   TRC        9/15/13

  Passed Sixth Master Test BRC       9/26/13



Stormin, Ironweed Eye Of The Storm MH.  Sired by FC Candlewood Man In Black, out of

WR Ironweed Diamond In The Rough MH CGC WC WCX TDI NA NAJ OA OAJ.  A beautiful puppy who has blossomed into a Handsom dog.  He loves to run and is truly Poetry in motion




                            FC AFC Candlewood Autumn Run Vince


FC Candlewood Man In Black


                            FC AFC Candlewood Rita Reynolds


                            FC 2XAFC Candlewood Ramblin Man


 WR Ironweed Diamond In The Rough MH CGC WC WCX TDI  AX AXJ


                             SR Ironweed Boom Boom Butterfly MH CGC WC WCX


            deceased 2024. frozen semen available

Stormin is at stud to approved bitches.  EIC clear, CNM clear,  OFA  Hips and Elbows Good.

Ironweed Powdered Diamond Dust WC WCX

Ironweed Powdered Diamond Dust WC WCX



Ironweed She's A Firecracker MH CGC TKN WC OA AXJ AXF

Ironweed She's a firecracker MH CGC TKN WC OA AXJ AXF (Ironweed Eye Of The Storm MH WC WCX QAA2 x Ironweed Lorie's All That Jazz CD WC CGC TDI BN RN)  Finished Her JH in 4 test at under a year of age.  She trained for only 6 month With a novice trainer, Aimee Eisaman. And finished her Novice agility and Novice ajility Jumps and weaves titles. 

Crack finished her Master hunter title in 2017 at 3 years old. She qualified at 5 master test in 7 weeks. With no handles on any of her marks.  went back into agility training for a month. then on Sept 2 and 3 and Oct 28 2017 She qualified at 3 Open standard agility test, three first place, no faults, for her Open agility title.  Crack Also won first place at the SWPAHRC Singles competition on Oct 16 2017.  This if Crack 4 consecutive first place at this event.   She won the Junior class (under 2) in 2014. Then she won the Open Class 2015 as a 2 year old, and again 2016 as a 3 year old.  

Ironweed Hi-Bird Pistol Pknpixi MH CGC TKN

Ironweed Pistol Pknpixi MH CGC TKN (FC AFC Ironweed Hi-Bird Shooter MH 3MNH QAA      x SR Ironweed Copper Money On The Fly MH CD CGC TDI NA NAJ).  Finished her Master Hunter at 2 qualifying in 5 straight test.  Pistol had no handles on any of the five master tesst she ran.

SHR Ironweed Reflection of a Jewel MH

SHR Ironweed Reflectionof a Jewel MH, aka Shine,  sired by FC AFC Seaside Gorgeaus George x SHR Ironweed Diamond in the Rough MH CGC AX AXJ TDI WC WCX.